Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is Brody playing with the cars. He is pulling himself up on everything with EASE. He does it so fast!!! And then he is soooooo happy about it! It's adorable to see him so proud of himself!

Judah wanted to feed Brody tonight in a BIG way. He was insistant. I gave in, thinking he might actually surprise me. He did.
Not only did he do a great job feeding his little brother, but he really enjoyed it. He made it a pretty messy meal, but it was fun for everyone.

Judah manages to make us laugh so much every day.
Tonight, I wasn't feeling good (head-cold, ugh!), so I asked Jake to put Judah to bed so I could get ready for bed and rest. Jake came to me after awhile and said Judah was asking for "My Mommy." Jake told Judah, "Mommy doesn't feel good. Should we pray for Mommy?" Judah said, "Yes." And then he prayed, "God, make Mommy -- My Mommy feel better, pleeeeeaaassseee."

Sunday, I went to church early for worship team practice, and when I left, both boys were dressed and ready to go to church. Jake told me before Sunday School that Judah changed shirts. (Even though I put him in the shirt he asked for. Anyway...) He wanted to wear his dinosaur shirt, Jake was telling me. Jake put it on him, and Judah shook his head and said, "Mommy's gonna be mad." Jake asked him why, but he just kept repeating, "Mommy's gonna be mad."

So, Jake asked me why I would be mad that he was wearing that shirt. I had to explain, because it really is funny that Judah thought him wearing it would make me mad.

Judah wanted to wear that dinosaur shirt maybe a week or two ago. It was just a normal day at home, and we were going to be playing outside. This shirt is new (not something we have a lot of -- "new" shirts) -- one I bought on sale a year ago. This particular shirt is also WHITE with dinosaurs on the front. I realize now that when I bought it, I wasn't really thinking about a young man wearing WHITE. But, live and learn.

So, when Judah wanted to wear it, I just flippantly said, "No, we aren't going to wear the dinosaur shirt now. It's a nice shirt and we don't want it to get dirty. We need at least one nice white shirt."

So, Judah thought that since I told him he couldn't wear it then, that I would be upset with him wearing it AT ALL. After Jake told me that Judah repeated, "Mommy's gonna be mad," I busted up laughing. (I laugh out loud - literally - now just remembering it.) Everyone in our Sunday School kept looking at us, wondering what our deal was, but I just couldn't stop laughing.

Oh, the beautiful mind of a 2 year old!
This is a picture of Judah showing me his dirt on his hands and knees. So proud of that dirt!

I go crazy many days, but in the end, I love my boys. They make messes and get dirty, and undo all the cleaning I do. (Read: Brody managed to get ahold of an almost-empty sleeve of crackers and shake it all over the floor. I cleaned it up saying, "Oh, I love you dear. I love you.") But, I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. The fact that they make me laugh with such simple things is worth more than anything you can offer.

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