Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baby Update & Judah Dancing - again

It seems like dancing in a diaper is Judah's new before-bed routine! He just loves to dance without his clothes on! Haha! He is quite the entertainer!

Yesterday, we had our mid-pregnancy ultrasound to make sure the baby is growing correctly and developing normally. God is so faithful, and we got a great report! It was just so awesome to be able to see the developing baby and how different it was compared to the 12-week sonogram!
The first picture is the feet. They said the feet look big!

We found out that the baby is measuring big. My original due date was August 22. After another ultrasound, it was changed to August 17. Yesterday, they said that the estimated due date based on the baby's size is August 12. That's 10 days difference from the original due date! The next picture is the baby's belly and arms. With the baby measuring BIG, I would like to go earlier!!! Haha! Please be praying for God's timing in this area!

It was also comforting to find out that I haven't been feeling every little movement because the placenta is on my belly, so it is keeping me from being able to feel every-little-thing. I feel a lot in my sides, which I was just thinking was regular pregnancy pain from my belly stretching. But, now I know that I am being kicked! :)

The next picture is the spine. The tech doing the ultra sound had the device on my belly, just getting it turned on, and Jake said, "It's a boy!" I laughed and said, "Whatever. You don't know that." He swears he saw it. But then one of the first shots we saw was the bottom and legs. The tech started talking about the bladder (which we could see clearly), and I pointed at the screen and said, "Is that a boy???" She stopped and said, "Yes, it certainly is."
The remainder of the time I was in awe of God's creation and the toughness of the little boy growing inside of me.
With the hemorrhage far behind, I look forward to the remaining months of pregnancy and God's precious gift in this baby boy. He will be a great addition to our family. With each pregnancy (and some minor challenges they have given me), I grow closer to God and my faith grows. The next picture is the baby's leg - from the hip down to the foot.

I still don't know how anyone can be pregnant without a continued faith in God, the creator of life.


Heather said...

I think Judah and Chris have the same taste in music...that's Chris' OTHER song that he sings all the time (he even made a microphone out of Legos one time to sing it - so funny!)

I'm so happy you're having a boy! Keeping the family tradition alive! :) (I love the arrow indicating "boy" as well - I remember Judah's picture like that - made me laugh then, and again this time!)

Elan said...

How awesome - another boy!

Leif and Justus were completely fascinated looking at your ultrasound pictures. They liked the arrow indicating "boy" and giggled about it. They were in awe, and a bit confused because they couldn't understand why the baby was all curled up and not "flat."

It is truly a miracle to see the life that God creates inside of us.

Grandpa D said...

Every time I see these ultrasound pictures, I am left in awe, speechless in seeing life that never was and now will never cease to be. "Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. . . . to him be the glory forever!" (Romans 11:33-36)