Monday, December 15, 2008
10 Days Until Christmas
With 10 days left until Christmas, Jake and I have tried to make sure we have all of the Christmas presents that we need. We also got our Christmas cards ordered and will get those sent out SOON.
Jake and I actually started opening Christmas presents a couple of weeks ago. I got to open a brand new Dell laptop. (it's tangerine!) Also, Jake got the new blackberry touch and has been learning the ins-and-outs of it. Jake also got a brand new camera that is really fancy! We took pictures for our Christmas cards last night.
So, we have had a great Christmas so far. It's been full of joy and laughter and gifts and surprises. We are exicted for this season and the fun that it will be.
I will put pictures of Judah up later. I don't have any of the pictures on my new computer.
Merry Christmas!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
First Haircut
He loves crawling through the tunnel to "get me."
Judah loves to play the real piano with us. He knows how to hit the buttons to make different noises and sounds. He really enjoys music.
So, I think you are up-to-date on what's been going on here. Judah has been sick this week but is finally feeling much better. He's been sleeping better and actually running around the house again (without a runny nose!). Have a safe Halloween!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New York, New York Part 2
Friday, September 26, 2008
New York, New York
So, we took the trip to New York for the final game of the season.
Our trip started out in a rush. We were trying to get out the door to drop of Judah with Grandma & Grandpa Monhollon and get off to the airport in plenty of time. On the drive to the airport, we hoped that the fog would lift before we had to take off for Chicago.
We got news that Chicago had delays due to fog, too, so we were hopeful that no matter what we would be able to make our connecting flight.
Our flight in Kansas City was delayed, but only about 30 minutes, so we waited in the airport to board the plane. Finally, we boarded and were on the runway, ready to go. Then the captain came on and said that we were not able to go due to fog. So, we sat in the plane on the runway for an hour waiting for the fog to lift so we could get going. Finally, the plane took off and we got to Chicago's O'Hare airport. Before we had time to go anywhere in the airport, Jake asked someone at a gate where our flight (that should have left 18 minutes before we arrived) even was. We didn't know where the gate was that it was leaving from. She said it was right down from where we were, but she also said, "You better run." So, we both took off running toward our gate. Strangers were calling, "Good luck!" and "Are you going to make it?" We called over our shoulder, "We hope so!" and "Thanks!" After dashing the 100 yards to our gate, we told the lady there that we needed to board the plane. She didn't even look at us once, but rudely said, "Boarding's done." We were shocked at her rude behavior. We told her we needed to get on the plane. We just held out our boarding passes, waiting. She never once looked at us as she continued to do whatever she was doing. Finally, she took Jake's boarding pass and scanned it, then she took mine. We got to the plane and there were still people waiting to get to their seats. Then, three more people came on behind us.
Once in New Jersey, we got on a shuttle to take us to New York. The driver was insane. Several times, we stopped breathing, just wondering if we were going to crash. We went through the Lincoln Tunnel, which felt so very long! Traffic was pretty crazy and backed up for several miles. We made it to our hotel and were very glad to get out of the shuttle. Our hotel was very nice. We got our room key and found our way to our room on the 44th floor. It was a beautiful view of the city. We were in the heart of Time's Square. Our hotel room: Small but nice.
The view away from Time's Square from our hotel room.
So, that is how we got to New York City. I will update more on the rest of our trip in another entry. Stay tuned...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fall approaches
Here is a recent video of Judah doing his newest thing: Kisses. He doesn't kiss on the face, but he just makes the noise instead. Also, it shows that he is standing on his own.
Such a beautiful face!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
July is almost over!
Judah is now sitting up by himself very confidentally. He loves his independence (unless he's in the mood to cuddle), and he doesn't like to be left in a room alone (unless it's naptime).
Judah really does love to swim. The only picture I have is of him in our tiny pool from our backyard, but he loves being in his floatie in the big pool. And he loves to play Motorboat.
I was going to add a very cute little video of Judah dancing. His new favorite thing is to dance anytime he can. When we go grocery shopping, he will dance almost through the entire store. He loves that they play music in the store. It's adorable to watch. So, where's the video? you ask. Well, I can't find it. Jake unloaded the camera to the computer, but I have no idea what he did with everything. As soon as I can find the video, I'll post it. Just not today.
Judah is a complete crack-up. He likes to cuddle but also wants to have independence and stand up. He's just too cute for words. :)
Many people have asked if he ever cries. Normally, he doesn't unless there is something wrong: hungry, tired, or diaper needs changed. This face, however, is his spaced-out-stop-trying-to-make-me-smile-because-I'm-not-going-to face.
This picture just makes me laugh, because he's still so darn cute even though he's not smiling!
This picture is about a month old, too, so now his hair is a lot thicker! He is just growing so fast!!!
That's it for now . . . until I can find some great videos to post! Have a great weekend!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
We are jumping and swimming!
This is my cuddle-bug at bedtime. He is in pjs and ready for sleep.
This is Jake and Judah watching basketball together.
Bath Time Video!
I think his hair looks pretty red here.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Judah is drooling quite a bit lately, too. I think he's working very hard on those teeth. We expect to see a tooth anytime.
Judah loves his walker. He's learned how to scoot backward in it. Our back patio is not level on the backside, so once he hit that.... well, you can watch what happens. (I'm sorry that you have to turn your head to watch the video.)
So, anytime that we want Judah to laugh, we just use a new funny voice and say funny words, like "pipe cleaners" and "pippersnickle." (I know that last one isn't a word at all (yes, I looked it up)-- but it sounds funny.) So, Jake said I sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it made Judah giggle! This is such a cute video; you won't be able to keep from laughing - or at least smiling!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
It's been awhile
He simply laughs at EVERYTHING. I am sitting here typing, and I just happened to sneeze. Judah just broke out into laughter because of a sneeze. When he pulls my hair and I say, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!!" he just laughs and laughs. He has the cutest laugh! When I can get the camera back, I'll post a video.
Until then, you just have to take my word for it. He's adorable.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
All About the Boy
He is such a happy little boy! He loves to giggle now when we make faces and talk to him. He's actually trying to sit up on his own. If he's laying down on his back, he tries to do a full sit-up and get up on his own. He can't do it yet, but he sure tries! He's so strong.
So, this is his face after a couple of bites of peas. He didn't think they were AWFUL, but he wasn't really sure what to think. There is also video below of his first bites.
He ate peas again today, and he did much better with them. I snapped a quick picture of his green face after he was done. While I was feeding him, he actually put his hand on mine and pulled the spoon to his mouth when he was ready for another bite. When he was done, he pushed my hand away.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Growing Boy
Jake and Judah both have been enjoying watching all of the basketball games that have been on TV with the NCAA tournament. Our TV has been constantly tuned to basketball for over a week now. We are excited to see how far our Jayhawks go this year! Judah has been sporting his KU gear for almost every game in support of the team.
Last week, Judah had his four month appointment with the doctor, where he was weighed, measured, and given shots again. It is always hard to watch him get shots, but he did pretty well.
We now have updated stats on our growing boy. He is 26 inches tall and in the 90th percentile for height. He is 17 pounds and in the 75th percentile for weight. The doctor said he looks great and seems to be progressing very well physically and with all of his motor skills.
After the shots, poor Judah was pretty upset. For about three days afterwards, he was extremely cuddly and did not like to be alone or put down at all. Needless to say, I didn't get much done around the house during that time, but I got to cuddle with my little boy, so that was good.
Jake and I have settled into a new schedule in our days. When he comes home from work, he plays with Judah and talks with him while I get dinner ready. Jake also did this on the Saturday before Easter so I could bake a cheesecake and rolls for Easter dinner the next day. While at dinner Jake tried to take full credit for baking these items, I definitely could not have done it as easily if he hadn't been helping with Judah. (Thanks, Jake!)
I hope that everyone had a good Easter and remembered the reason we celebrate.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
We left Saturday morning for a trip to ski in Colorado. Of course, Judah was not planning on skiing, but it was his first trip to the Rocky Mountains. It was his first trip out of Kansas.